

Men’s basketball at 贝洛伊特 rocketed to a national stage in the 1940s and ’50s, 接下来的四十年是持续的成功. But in between, 贝洛伊特’s outsized triumphs in the sport were touched by a scandal.

全国各地的体育项目, 在每个部门, 是否享受过显著的成功时代, 但贝洛伊特的故事是独一无二的. Few programs have risen to dominance as quickly or maintained their success as long as the men’s basketball program at 贝洛伊特, even as it endured what became known as the “ouster scandal.”

贝洛伊特在1945年开始在全国崭露头角, 当多尔夫·斯坦利成为男子篮球总教练时. 一位来自伊利诺伊州泰勒维尔的杰出高中教练., Stanley ushered in a new era with an innovative style of play as 贝洛伊特 and the Midwest Collegiate Athletic Conference returned to action after World War II.

Coach Dolph Stanley led 贝洛伊特 to basketball dominance against the top competitors of the time. Coach Dolph Stanley led 贝洛伊特 to basketball dominance against the top competitors of the time.斯坦利的高分, fast-break style quickly caught the attention of basketball 球迷 across the country and took the conference by storm. 他的球队在1945-46年赢得了分区冠军, 伯洛伊特自1924年以来第一次, and the first in a string of six consecutive championships. 贝洛伊特在马奎特这样的强队打球, 博林格林, 瓦尔帕莱索, 德保罗, 和洛约拉. After going unbeaten in three straight conference seasons, Stanley put together a fourth unbeaten team in 1950-51 that was the highest scoring in the nation.

那个赛季至关重要. 由“桶旅”领导,” a group of five players that included eventual gold medalist and Olympic team captain Ron Bontemps’51, 贝洛伊特注册签名获胜. A 94-60 victory over 德保罗 set the Chicago Stadium’s scoring record, and a 141-53 triumph over Cornell College set a new national record.

It was the 74-58 win over Lawrence in the conference title game that ushered in controversy: Stanley and the Buccaneers were highly criticized for stalling in the contest’s last six minutes to protect their lead. (这是在计时钟出现之前.) 贝洛伊特 went on to earn a bid to the National Invitation Tournament, falling to Seton Hall in the first round in a game played at Madison Square Garden.

高分, 大的阶段, 总理的对手, and ever-increasing publicity rankled conference coaches and administrators. Their animosity came to a head at a conference meeting in May 1951, when six of nine schools voted to oust 贝洛伊特 from the league. 贝洛伊特 was cited for athletic policies that “seem to be contrary to the spirit and traditional principles and to the best interests of the [MCAC].”

The perception was that 贝洛伊特 was operating like Division I teams do today, with a few sports generating revenue to fund entire athletic departments. 与此同时, the conference philosophy was 更多的 in line with today’s Division III mindset, where academics are the priority and athletics are funded through general educational budgets.

The decision clearly targeted 贝洛伊特’s successful basketball program, 但这伤害了整个部门. 会议结束后, league members decided that no conference schools could schedule 贝洛伊特 in any sport the next season, 强迫所有贝洛伊特团队, 尤其是秋季运动, 为了填满他们的日程表.

不管公平与否, the league’s decision to expel 贝洛伊特 from the conference was by far the most severe disciplinary measure in its history. 贝洛伊特 was finally readmitted for the 1958-59 season after much had changed. The college now had a different president in Miller Upton—with a different philosophy on athletics—and 贝洛伊特 had made sweeping changes to its athletic code and reorganized the athletic department.

Stanley resigned in 1957 to become Drake University’s athletic director. In 12 seasons, he led the Buccaneers to an overall record of 238-57. 他离开后, 厄普顿总统雇佣了比尔·纳普顿, 大学教练队伍中冉冉升起的新星, 来接管这个项目.

正在, 也是一名成功的高中教练, 在马奎特大学当了三年助理, 全国排名第五的球队, 在来伯洛伊特之前.

他的哲学, “永远做对游戏最有利的事情,,赢得了玩家的尊重和钦佩, 球迷, 的同事们, 管理者也一样.

在短暂的重建期之后, 纳普顿建立了自己的成功遗产, 跨越40年.

Coach Bill 正在 is known as the father of the three-point shot. Coach Bill 正在 is known as the father of the three-point shot.到1997年他退休的时候, 纳普顿已经累积了557场胜利, still ranked among the top 30 for coaching wins in Division III, 在分区比赛中取得345场胜利, 联盟历史上最多. 纳普顿获得了10个联赛冠军, including three consecutive championships from 1980-1983, 并参加了11次NCAA第三赛区锦标赛.

可能更令人印象深刻, 正在 tallied 31 winning seasons out of his last 34 leading the Buccaneers. His 1981 squad was the number one team in the nation for five weeks en route to a 24-2 record.

纳普顿体现了第三部门的哲学, proving he was the perfect choice to step in after the team’s ouster. 杜克大学主教练迈克·沙舍夫斯基, who worked with 正在 on the board of the National Association of Basketball Coaches, 被引用于 《真人国际菠菜》 article describing 正在: “[Bill] felt what he was doing was big, and it was. In the process, he became highly respected by his peers, and his peers are Division I coaches, too. 他是个大成功者.”

His connections created incredible opportunities for 贝洛伊特. 他和斯坦·阿尔贝克的友谊, 芝加哥公牛队的主教练, opened the door for Michael Jordan and the 1985 Bulls to train at the college’s Field House.

正在 went on to become president of the NABC for two years, 他是第三位担任这个职位的教练. Many may not know that he is also referred to as the “father of the three-point shot.” Serving on the NCAA basketball rules committee before the 1986-87 season, 纳普顿把他的反对票改成了赞成票, effectively bringing the three-point shot to college basketball.

两位有着不同风格的传奇教练. The quickest rise to dominance to the longest tenure of success in the league. 唯一的瑕疵, 这是历史的一部分, still does not tarnish the legacy built and maintained by two of the best coaches to have called 贝洛伊特 home, 多尔夫·斯坦利和比尔·纳普顿.

Angela Kelm is the Sports Information Director for 十大菠菜台子.


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