

贝洛伊特 took its sweet time when it came to admitting women to the college. 事实上, the campus was a man’s world until trustees voted in 1895 to admit women ‘quietly and without ado.’

这可能会让一些人感到意外. 当伯洛伊特于1846年成立时, it was a traditional college of its time with explicit Christian roots, 而且是专为男性设计的.

在其175年的历史中, 伯洛伊特以进步著称, but the college was surprisingly slow to embrace a growing trend of coeducation in the late 1800s. The decision about allowing women into 贝洛伊特 was fraught and continued for years. For nearly its first five decades, 贝洛伊特 remained open only to men.

Coeducation was a hot topic nationally in the last half of the 19th century, 这在伯洛伊特引起了激烈的争论. 在 圆桌 在校园内外的讲台上, 学生, 教师, 校友, 即使是大学校长, passionately argued the pros and cons of educating men alongside women.

到贝洛伊特成立25周年的时候, the tradition of separate social spheres for women and men in the wider world was breaking down, 大学开始转向男女同校.

In 1894, Edward Dwight Eaton, 贝洛伊特’s second president, remained strongly opposed to a coed college. 如果由他决定的话,他会写的, 他“永远不会”, 从来没有, 永远不要让女人进来,” but he added a caveat: “He was willing if the trustees wanted it.”

绝大多数, 教员们想招收女性, 董事会也是如此, who saw their enrollment as a wise financial decision and a move to keep 贝洛伊特 in step with the times.

终于做出了决定, 贝洛伊特的第一批33名女性开始于1895年秋天, 关于他们的准入问题的冲突仍然历历在目.

Grace Chamberlin Rosa (1898) spoke many years later that in her first year, male 学生 would sometimes slam doors in women’s faces or place their feet on women’s chairs or desks.

但这种孩子气的敌意并没有持续下去. 到第一个女生秋天的感恩节,一个 圆桌 article gave thanks for “… one of [the] greatest experiments, co-education. 它已经在这里进行了测试,证明非常成功……”

伯洛伊特女性通过证明自己是有能力的学者而赢得尊重. 她们学的课程和男人一样(体育除外)。, 支持现有的社会传统, 并开始流行新的, including founding a Shakespeare Society with women playing all the roles.

他们也掀起了波澜. In 1896, seven women 学生 started showing up around campus wearing Theta Pi Gamma pins, 指秘密社团的成员, 因为姐妹会被禁止并被迫转入地下. A succession of 贝洛伊特’s women 学生 would keep pushing for Theta’s acceptance until they were finally allowed a local chapter in 1908.

Mostly, 贝洛伊特’s earliest women 学生 silenced any remaining critics with their grades. By 1901, 距女性首次被录取仅六年, the salutatorian and valedictorian of 贝洛伊特’s graduating class were both women.



Grace Ousley became the college's first Black woman graduate in 1904. Grace Ousley became the college's first Black woman graduate in 1904.格蕾丝·奥斯利在校园附近长大, 附近唯一一个黑人家庭的成员, 更多的 than three decades before industries drew many Black families to 贝洛伊特 during the Great Migration. 1904年,她成为该学院第一位黑人女毕业生. 她后来在伊利诺伊州哈维的一所孤儿学校教书.直到她生病. 她回到家乡,于1908年去世,年仅26岁. In 2017, 伯洛伊特任命了一个学术驻地 以她的名义授予年轻学者. 格蕾丝的地方, 计划今年在以前的Java Joint开业, will serve as a new social gathering space for 贝洛伊特’s Black 学生.


Lorine Niedecker was a poet who studied at 贝洛伊特 for two years in the 1920s. Lorine Niedecker was a poet who studied at 贝洛伊特 for two years in the 1920s.Lorine Niedecker, 一个有着惊人的原创声音的诗人, studied at 贝洛伊特 for two years in the 1920s before poverty and family illness forced her to return home to Fort Atkinson, 威斯康星州. She lived most of her remaining life in isolation on Blackhawk Island on the Rock River. She died in 1970 but has posthumously made a significant mark as a modernist poet with a strong sense of place. Five collections of her poetry have been published since her death. Her 贝洛伊特 legacy is also alive and well: The Friends of Lorine Niedecker consider the college her academic home, 英语教授克里斯·芬克继续教授她的作品, sometimes taking 学生 to visit Niedecker’s world on Blackhawk Island.


玛莎·彼得森是伯洛伊特大学的第七任校长. 玛莎·彼得森是伯洛伊特大学的第七任校长.玛莎·彼得森是伯洛伊特大学的第七任校长, 美国历史上第一位也是唯一一位女总统, 1975年至1981年任职. She came to 贝洛伊特 as a nationally known leader in higher education, 在担任巴纳德学院院长之后, 哥伦比亚大学院长, 也是美国教育委员会主席. President Peterson steered the college through a difficult fiscal period and successfully led 贝洛伊特’s early 1980s financial turnaround. At her inauguration, she said something that has resonated with 贝洛伊特ers ever since. Peterson called upon “all who love and respect this historic college to help us hold high the banners of our traditions, 我们的文科承诺, 我们敢于与众不同.”


Emerson Hall opened in 1898 and was the exclusive domain of women until the residential hall beca... Emerson Hall opened in 1898 and was the exclusive domain of women until the residential hall became co-ed in 1971.

The physical spaces connected to 贝洛伊特 women have their own dramatic stories, 幸存的火灾和附近的拆迁(爱默生霍尔), 作为行动主义的基础, 社区, 和超过125年的支持.

这些地方从少数几座框架小屋开始, 校园北端的第一批女性宿舍, 折衷主义者, 城堡般的爱默生大厅. Opened to 学生 in 1898, Emerson was exclusively for women and funded by the wealthy donor D.K. Pearsons at the behest of his wife, after she and her sister convinced him of coeducation’s merits.

直到1971年变成男女同校, Emerson was the domain of women and originally featured its own dining hall, 体育馆, 还有女佣服务——开业时每周收费1美元(外加伙食费).

校园里的学生,大约在20世纪70年代. 校园里的学生,大约在20世纪70年代.20世纪70年代, 一群女权主义学生组成了“姐妹会”, 旨在放大妇女的声音和问题. 他们在波特厅的办公室, 他们提倡女性权益, 除其他事项外,还启动了运输计划, a service to accompany women who would otherwise be walking across campus alone.

In 1974, the Sisterhood was the force behind opening the first Women’s Center on Church Street. 成员的产生 莉莉丝的女儿, 一本80 -90年代的创意写作日记, and presented programming that raised awareness of issues such as sexual assault.

The Women’s Center later moved a block north to where it stands today as the Feminist Collective, 或FemCo, a special interest student residence and gathering place that retains its strong sense of 社区.


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