April 23, 2021


President Scott Bierman Credit: Howard Korn’87When the college is at its best, we are (1) focused on student well-being and development; (2) using evidence to enhance knowledge and knowledge to improve practice; and (3) doing it all collaboratively.


当我们为秋季学期做计划时,我们知道我们需要一个一流的接触者追踪系统. But, 给优秀的员工一些空间和一个大的使命, and the next thing you know, 你有一个完整的计划,如何周到地照顾那些面临潜在感染和感染焦虑的学生, if so, quarantined or isolated. 给相同的员工时间来倾听学生的意见, 和对方谈谈如何提供更好的护理, put a few more rock star staff in place; become best friends with the Beloit Health System; add in a dollop of serendipity; and voila, Covid Care is born.

这个故事稍微有深度就好了. 初秋的时候,我们翻了四楼 the Powerhouse into a Covid-19 testing center. 我们要求学生每隔一周做一次PCR测试. Of course, this is nerve-wracking, 但整个过程都是与工作人员面对面的,他们确保每次考试都能更好地了解每个学生. When a student tests positive, they are immediately notified, 这个过程开始使他们尽快被隔离. 想象一下这对学生来说是什么感觉!

伯洛伊特学院接受过专业接触者追踪培训的工作人员会立即与学生交谈,了解他们的密切接触者. 重要的是,这些工作人员也会仔细倾听受感染学生的担忧和焦虑. 这是一个充满压力的时刻,关注这种压力是必不可少的. Stress begets more stress. Every student, faculty, 或通知被确定为密切接触者的工作人员, and the quarantine process begins.

如果你想知道隔离或检疫的真正含义, 这意味着你一直被困在你的房间里. 书被送到你面前,课程被放大,食物被送来,你几乎看不到一个人.

Covid - Care的本质是将一船人带到一个原本非常糟糕的情况下. Covid Care的工作人员每天至少接触一次被隔离或隔离的学生,以了解学生的需求. 还鼓励学生联系Covid Care的工作人员,以便随着病情的变化, 他们可以立即联系到能提供帮助的人. 流程的到位是为了出色地响应. Covid Care工作人员关注学生如何应对,并善于提出他们的担忧, absent some attention, could turn into bigger issues.

This attentiveness matters. 帮助学生快乐和舒适, 没完没了的请求:书, clothes, medicine, packages, Halloween candy, calligraphy pens, more packages, crazy amounts of food, hugs (safely), and the list goes on. No beer. Check in; ask; dig a little deeper; see if food is eaten or more food needed; check on symptoms; deliver packages (so many packages); talk about which students are struggling; talk about if this were your child, what would you like to have done; talk about caring every step of the way.

我差点忘了这个意外惊喜. 事实证明,在疫情爆发前,该学院及时收到了一份匿名礼物, 指定用于宿舍楼装修. 我们选择将它用于Chapin Hall二楼和三楼的公共空间. Now, 二楼的房间装修得很漂亮,是隔离学生的房间,三楼是隔离学生的房间. 让这些学生在餐饮服务的正上方,在非常好的空间里,会产生很大的不同. 很少有礼物能如此迅速而有价值地发挥作用. Thank you.

But, 最重要的是,最优秀的人类正在用他们的集体能量来照顾我们的学生. 世界上所有的资源都比不上关心你的人. Their names make a difference. At the center are Tara Girard and the Health and Wellness staff, Erica Daniels, Angela Bishop, Elaina Szyjewski, Karen Mayse, Ryan Schamp and the Res Life team, Cynthia Ou, Ken Hnilo and the Bon Appetit staff, and the Beloit Health System.

我从心底感谢我们的Covid Care团队. You are Beloit. 我们太幸运了,你们是贝洛伊特人.

From here at Chapin’s desk,
President Scott Bierman

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