保罗Engleman 76


No one knows 更多的 about 贝洛伊特’s long and fascinating history than Fred 主任’86, 自1986年起担任学院档案保管人.

Fred 主任’86 claims he “didn’t know anything about 十大菠菜台子” when he came to 贝洛伊特 from Philadelphia, 跟踪他1983年入学的女友. 这段年轻恋情的火焰很快熄灭了, 但伯韦尔很快就找到了一种新的、持久的爱——那就是学院本身. 在一段持续了近40年的关系中, 主任 has come to know 更多的 about 十大菠菜台子 and its history than anyone else on earth.

坚持准确的人, 主任, 长期的大学档案保管员, might dispute that claim on the grounds that it cannot be empirically verified. 但他很难反驳, 如果他想, 他很可能会被一群仰慕他的学生淹没, 校友, 教师, 还有从他的知识中受益的行政人员, 指导, 多年来一直保持着良好的本性.

其中一位崇拜者是艾伦·乔伊斯教授, 历史系的系主任, who regards 主任 as an equal partner in the 10 classes they have taught together on historical research methods using the archives’ rich collection. 去年6月, when she received an email from 主任 telling her he planned to retire at the end of August, “我很伤心, 我过了一个星期才回复,乔伊斯说。. “弗雷德的离开是一个巨大的损失.”

但对于37年前的学院来说,这是一个巨大的收获, 当一个心怀感激的伯威尔, despite a spotty academic record at Bennington College in Vermont followed by a series of retail jobs—including an unsuccessful two-day stint scooping ice cream—was admitted as a transfer student. “One of the things I really value about 贝洛伊特 is that it lets people in based on their potential,他说. “很多人在这里找到了自己的定位. 当然了.”

这个细分市场主要涉及写作和编辑, 乔伊斯所说的技能, 还有悠闲的举止, 让弗雷德, 因为他逐渐被校园里的每个人所熟知, 想要提高写作水平的学生可以去找他.当他自己还是个学生的时候, 主任 served as co-editor of the Round Table newspaper and Avatar literary magazine and, 与英语教授克林特·麦考恩合作, 帮助创办了《伯洛伊特小说杂志, 1986年毕业后继续担任副主编.

他还在莫尔斯图书馆做过勤工俭学的工作, 导致他发现了学院档案, 然后位于顶楼的铁丝网后面. 一个自称“收集狂”的人,伯韦尔说他开始收集东西——棒球卡, 邮票, 的照片, even rocks—at an early age when his book-loving parents took him to flea markets, 二手商店, 还有二手书店. 他说:“我喜欢寻找宝藏的那种刺激。. 他非常肯定,这些档案值得一看.

伯韦尔首先要追捕罗伯特·H·. Irrmann, a 1939 贝洛伊特 graduate and retired history professor considered by many on campus to be something of a treasure himself. 伊尔曼是学院的第二位档案保管员, 从1953年开始,接替他的导师, 历史教授罗伯特·金博尔·理查森, 谁确立了这一地位,并保持了半个多世纪, 从1901年开始. Irrmann, 伯韦尔视其为导师, quickly took a shine to the curious student and nominated him as his successor.

毕业后,伯韦尔成为了一名全职图书馆员工, 他在档案室和咨询台工作. 尽管他没有追求更高的学位, 主任 was able to learn much of what he may have missed in graduate school from reference librarian Christine Nelson. He also discovered in her something he could not find in the archives—“my soul mate.他们于1990年结婚,1992年生下儿子本. 伯韦尔说,“更多地看到克里斯”是退休的好处之一.

• • •

第九学院院长Victor E. Ferrall, who regards his tenure at 贝洛伊特 as “the most important years of my professional life,形容伯韦尔“共事愉快”, 技术娴熟,知识渊博. 他是一个小学院的宝贝. 他的办公室也非常凌乱.”

“甚至比我的还乱,”乔伊斯说,“但他知道所有东西的位置!” She credits 主任 with expanding the archives well beyond “the official record of the college” to include materials that provide a view into student life. “他会拿出地下报纸, sorority scrapbooks—sources that really engage students that I wouldn’t have thought to look for,她说。. 乔伊斯惊叹于伯韦尔与学生沟通的能力, 尤其是那些对历史不感兴趣的人, by directing them to personal documents that illustrate 贝洛伊特’s connection to important historical events, 从内战到民权运动. 他还在伯洛伊特学院创建了日记库, a collection of diaries unrelated to 贝洛伊特 by people from various walks of life.

Fred 主任 works with student researcher Allie Moore'10 in the Paula Black Seminar Room adjacen... Fred 主任 works with student researcher Allie Moore’10 in the Paula Black Seminar Room adjacent to archives.

“学生们喜欢和弗雷德一起工作,”历史学教授比阿特丽斯·麦肯齐说. “He’s warm and open, yet always professional, a humanist with a quirky veneer.” McKenzie says 主任 is “such an interesting person” that she assigned students in groups to write a biography of him. “这是一个方法任务, 所以他们可以看到, 以一种元叙事的方式, 人们怎么会对同一件事写出不同的叙述呢,她说。. “There were all sorts of nuggets in Fred’s own history that he willingly shared with students.”

麦肯齐还注意到伯韦尔“对细节的一贯关注”,” never 更多的 clear than when she asked him to review the draft of a historical article she was writing about the town of 贝洛伊特 in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. “One of the pages had 更多的 red from Fred’s pen than there was type,她说。. “我把它保存起来,给我的学生看.它不仅提供了一些笑声, 她补充说, 这也说明了批评的有用性, 哪些学生会错误地认为是不赞成.

• • •

When senior Eva Laun-Smith is not busy making history setting school records as a track-and-field All American, 她经常出现在图书馆的地下室, 学院档案之家. She began working as an assistant to 主任 the summer before her sopho更多的 year, after becoming acquainted with him while doing research for a freshman history class.

“弗雷德无疑是对我影响最大的人,”她说. “我想我进入大学时并不知道档案保管员是什么. 现在我在申请富布赖特奖学金, and I want to get a master’s in the area of archival science and digital history.“直到雇了一个新的档案管理员, 一个大学图书管理员, Laun-Smith, 其他几名学生工人正在填补空缺.

“The first thing Fred told me was that working in the archives is a service,” Laun-Smith says. “People ask all sorts of questions, and you have to be ready and willing to help. 这就是他对这份工作的看法.”

• • •

In 2010, 伯韦尔开始为学生们生动地讲述大学历史, 教师, 通过在网上写一个题为 星期五和弗雷德在一起 在书中,他以叙事历史的形式讲述了档案中的故事. 在六年的时间里, 他几乎每周都要写150期, creating an accessible resource that has itself become part of 贝洛伊特’s historical record. 他还抽出时间撰写并出版了一部小说, 草原山, 提醒自己,他真的很喜欢写作. 那, 他说, 他希望退休后做什么, 第二部小说完成了一半,还有很多项目等着他去写.

主任, 谁住在伯洛伊特, expects little trouble keeping in touch with colleagues but says he’ll miss interacting with students. He recalls an encounter a few years ago when a student who had read some of his columns expressed surprise upon meeting him, 说, “真的有一个弗雷德?”

这不难想象, 在未来的某一天, 一个未来的大学档案管理员告诉一个学生, “是的, 真的有一个弗雷德.”

保罗·恩格尔曼是芝加哥的一名作家. He plans to donate his writer’s fee for this story to the Stephen Moncada Street’77 Scholarship Fund at 贝洛伊特.


Fred 主任 once described the College Archives as “the place where so many 贝洛伊特 stories slumber, 耐心等待再次觉醒.以下是他发现的一些有趣的东西:

  • 在19世纪, 第一个大学清洁工是约翰尼·普费弗, 一个受人爱戴的人物,绰号“尘与灰教授”.“传说如此, 作为大学的敲钟人, 如果他看到最喜欢的学生上课迟到或去教堂做礼拜, 他按铃的时间要长一些,这样他们才显得准时.
  • Commencement was canceled in 1864 because the entire senior class was off fighting in the Civil War.
  • In 1926, Professor Theodore Lyman Wright was found naked and bloodied in North College (now Campbell Hall) and died shortly after in the hospital, 一桩明显的谋杀案从未侦破.
  • 大萧条时期, 这所大学接受用农产品代替金钱来支付学费.
  • In 1961, Freedom Rider Jim Zwerg’62 woke up 贝洛伊特’s conservative student body to the possibilities of the Civil Rights movement. 后来在60年代, 反战运动在校园里看到了焚烧征兵卡的现象, 女权运动带来了学院的“姐妹情谊”,,后来成为了妇女中心, 现在被称为女权主义团体.


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